Let’s put an end to the social stigma of getting fired, shall we?
Losing your job sucks, no doubt. Much like being on the receiving end of a breakup, it kinda makes you feel like you’ve been kicked in the crotch. I’ve been given the pink slip myself on more than one occasion, and it’s definitely a tough pill to swallow.
This isn’t a valid reason to be shamed by anyone, let alone ourselves. It happens, and not to “good” or “bad” employees. It simply happens. Whether you were blindsided by a lay off to “balance the books”, set up to fail or pushed out because your boss (or client) hated you–most people experience it at some point.
I worked for a company who paid some senior-level executives north of $200k a year to do absolutely nothing except for speak on panels, sound smart and look important. Which is actually fine, if you’re Tony Robbins and that is your job–not when you’re supposed to be leading a team, running a piece of business, or in the trenches with your people. Sadly, they had more job security than anyone because someone at the top bought into their smoke and mirrors.
Then there are those master delegators who direct traffic all day–leaving the heavy lifting for middle management, yet still pulling off the inevitable raise and promotion like clockwork. Meanwhile, those employees under them end up burning out and quit–or yes, get fired.
It’s called bad business, and companies will justify it however they feel suits their bottom line best.
I’m not saying some people don’t deserve to be let go. But if it’s happened to you–for whatever reason–you’re probably better off anyway because just like a breakup, you usually end up looking back and realizing it happened for a good reason.
And don’t think for a minute that senior-level executive doesn’t subconsciously feel shame for adding no value and serving little purpose in their job. They do too, even if it doesn’t show on the outside.
Oh, and if you’ve had the fortune of never losing your job, lucky you. Unless of course, you secretly wish you would–so you’d be put out of your misery–in which case is a whole other level of shame.